Presbyterian Children’s Homes and Services
Address: 300 Brookside Road Waxahachie TX 75167
Phone: 972-456-9461
Contact: Bliss Williams-Jordan
Email: bliss.williams@pchas.org
Website: https://www.pchas.org
Services: Foster Care & Adoption | Kinship Care
TBHC Foster Care & Adoption
Address: 629 Farley St Waxahachie, TX 75165
Phone: (972) 937-1321
Contact: Olivia Bentley
Email: obentley@tbhc.org
Website: https://tbhc.org/
Services: License families to foster and adopt. Our programs include Foster Care, Dual License, Teen Pregnancy Care, Matched/Straight Adoption, and Private Infant Adoption.
Back Yard Orphans
Address: PO Box 117 Midlothian, TX 76065
Phone: (972) 638-0117
Contact: Airika Williams
Email: info@backyardorphans.org
Website: https://backyardorphans.org/
Services: As a bridge ministry, we connect you to only the best resources and organizations. You’ll find these helpful whether you’re looking to serve foster and adoptive families, understand trauma, provide small group discussion, or more!